Prof. Ravi Sandhu

Most Cited Papers
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PhD's Awarded
Invited Talks etc.
Vitae etc.
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      Ravi Sandhu

            University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA)

            I retired on Sept 1, 2024 and hold an Emeritus Professor position at UTSA
            This website will eventually be updated accordingly
            I am currently enjoying my retirement honeymoon

            Executive Director and Chief Scientist
            Institute for Cyber Security (ICS)

            Director and Lead Principal Investigator
            NSF Center for Security and Privacy Enhanced Cloud Computing (C-SPECC)

            Lutcher Brown Endowed Chair in Cyber Security
            Professor of Computer Science (College of Sciences)

            ACM CODASPY: Co-Founder and Steering Committee Member

            ACM SACMAT: Founder and Steering Committee Member

Career Highlights

Vitae and Career Synopsis

bullet300+ papers (with 100+ co-authors), 50,000++ Google Scholar Citations, 93 h-index, 32 USA patents, 40 PhD graduates, 50+ research grants
bulletTwo highest cited papers in Access Control:   1. RBAC96 paper (click for citation count)   2. NIST standard paper (click for citation count)  
bulletACM Fellow (2001), IEEE Fellow (2002), AAAS Fellow (2008), National Academy of Inventors Fellow (2021)
bulletIEEE Computer Society Technical Achievement Award (2004), ACM SIGSAC Outstanding Contribution Award (2008), ACM SIGSAC Outstanding Innovation Award (2012), IEEE Innovation in Societal Infrastructure Award (2018)
bulletNIST/NSA National Computer Security Conference Best Paper Awards (1992 and 1998)
bullet Brief Biosketch,   Briefer Biosketch,   Long vita:  pdf  docx,   Short vita (same as long vita without detailed enumeration):  pdf  docx

Academic Positions Held

bulletUniversity of Texas at San Antonio, 2007 onwards: Executive Director, Institute for Cyber Security and Lutcher Brown Endowed Chair in Cyber Security (Computer Science)
bulletGeorge Mason University, 1995-2007: Professor, 1989-1995: Associate Professor, (Information and Software Engineering).
bulletOhio State University, 1983-1989: Assistant Professor, 1982-1983: Instructor (Computer and Information Science).

Professional Recognition

bullet National Academy of Inventors Fellow, 2020: See UTSA announcement in pdf.
bullet IFIP TC 11 Kristian Beckman Award, 2019: In recognition of significant and long-term contribution to the field of information security in research, education and promotion.
bullet IEEE Innovation in Societal Infrastructure Award, 2018: For advancing the foundations and practice of information security through creation, development, and technology transfer of role-based access control (RBAC).
bullet IFIP WG 11.3 Outstanding Research Award, 2017: For outstanding research contributions to the field of data and applications security and privacy that have had lasting impact.
bullet Society for Information Reuse and Integration Fellow, 2014: For contributions to Applications of Reuse to Capability Access Controls and Service to IRI-2013.
bullet ACM SIGSAC Outstanding Innovation Award, 2012: For seminal and highly innovative research contributions to the theory and practice of role and usage-based access control.
bulletAAAS Fellow, 2008: For distinguished contributions to cyber security, including seminal role-based access control and usage control models, and for professional leadership in research journals and conferences
bullet ACM SIGSAC Outstanding Contribution Award, 2008
bullet IEEE Computer Society Technical Achievement Award, 2004: For outstanding and pioneering contributions to information security including innovation of the role-based access control model and usage control
bulletIEEE Fellow, 2002: For contributions to the field of information and system security
bulletACM Fellow, 2001: For technical contributions to the field of information and system security, notably access control models and systems, and professional leadership in research journals and conferences

University Recognition

bulletUniversity of Texas at San Antonio, 2015, Charter member inductee of UTSA's Academy of Distinguished Researchers.
bulletUniversity of Texas at San Antonio, 2015, Inductee of UTSA College of Science Academy for Outstanding Teaching Scholars.
bulletUniversity of Texas at San Antonio, 2007 onwards: Lutcher Brown Endowed Chair in Cyber Security (Computer Science).
bulletGeorge Mason University, 2001: Mitre Corporation award for Outstanding Research. (Information Security).

Professional Leadership

bulletEditor-in-Chief, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), Jan 1, 2010 to Dec 31, 2013
bulletFounding General Chair and Steering Committee Chair, ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY), 2010 onwards
bulletFounding Editor-in-Chief, ACM Transactions on Information & Systems Security (TISSEC), 1997-2004
bulletChairman, ACM Special Interest Group on Security Audit and Control (SIGSAC), 1995-2003
bulletConference Founder: ACM CCS (1993), ACM SACMAT (1995), ACM CODASPY (2011)
bulletSecurity Editor, IEEE Internet Computing, 1998-2004
bulletConference Steering Committees: ACM CCS (1993-2003 Chair, 2003-2007 Member), ACM SACMAT (1995-2008 Chair), IEEE CSF (1992-2008 Member), ACM CODASPY (2010- Chair)
bulletConference Program Chair: IEEE CSF (1991, 1992), ACM CCS (1993, 1994, 2002), ACM SACMAT (1995), ACSAC (1996), IFIP WG 11.3 (1996), ACM CSAW (2007), ACM AsiaCCS (2011), NSS (2013)
bulletConference General Chair: IEEE CSF (1993, 1994), ACM CCS (1996), ACM SACMAT (2001, 2002), ACM CODASPY (2011, 2012, 2013)

Teacher and Educator

bulletTeach highly popular courses on cyber security topics at advanced graduate level at University of Texas at San Antonio.
bulletChief architect and highly-regarded teacher of graduate curriculum in Information Assurance and Security at George Mason University, including MS and PhD degrees, 1989-2007
bulletInvited lectures etcetera presented all over the world

Entrepreneur and Consultant

bulletTriCipher, 2000-2010, Chief Scientist and Co-Founder, Acquired by VMWare in 2010
bulletConsultant to numerous organizations including: McAfee, Trusted Information Systems, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Verizon, SETA Corporation, Argonne National Laboratory, Singapore Management University, Northrop Grumman, Integris Health


bulletPhD in Computer Science, Rutgers University, 1983
bulletMS in Computer Science, Rutgers University, 1980
bulletMTech in Computer Technology, IIT Delhi, 1976
bulletBTech in Electrical Engineering, IIT Bombay, 1974


bulletUS Citizen since 1997.  Born in India.  Schooled at Doon School.  Married with two sons.
bulletFond of travel, diverse cultures and Bridge. Avid spectator of sports and current affairs.