The safety problem in access control
Read Carefully
- Harrison,
M.H. and Ruzzo, W.L. and Ullman, J.D.
“Protection in Operating Systems”, CACM, v 19, n 8, pp. 461-471,
1976. Available in ACM digital
library through GMU.
- Ravi
Sandhu, “The Schematic Protection Model: Its Definition and Analysis for
Acyclic Attenuating Schemes.” Journal
of the ACM, Volume 35, Number 2, April 1988, pages 404-432. pdf
- Ravi
Sandhu, “The Typed Access Matrix Model.” Proc. IEEE Symposium on Research in Security and Privacy,
Oakland, California, May 1992, pages 122-136. pdf
Additional References
- Graham,
G.S. and Denning, P.J. “Protection
- Principles and Practice”, AFIPS
Spring Joint Computer Conference, v 40, ,
pp. 417-429, 1972. Not
available electronically.
- Harrison,
M.H. and Ruzzo, W.L. “Monotonic
Protection Systems”, in
Foundations of Secure Computations, Academic Press, 1978.
- Lampson,
B.W. “Protection”, 5th Princeton Symposium on Information
Science and Systems, 1971.
Reprinted in ACM Operating Systems Review 8(1):18--24, 1974.
Available in ACM digital library through GMU.
- Lipton,
R.J. and Budd, T.A. “On Classes of
Protection Systems”, in
Foundations of Secure Computations, Academic Press, 1978.
- Lipton,
R.J. and Snyder, L., “A Linear
Time Algorithm for Deciding Subject Security”, JACM, v 24, n 3, pp.
455-464, 1977. Available in ACM digital library through GMU.
- Lockman,
A. and Minsky, N. “Unidirectional
Transport of Rights and Take-Grant Control”, IEEE TSE, v SE-8, n 6, pp. 597-604, 1982. Not available in IEEE digital library.
- Ravi
Sandhu, “Undecidability of Safety for the Schematic Protection Model with
Cyclic Creates.” Journal of Computer
and System Sciences, Volume 44, Number 1, February 1992, pages
141-159. pdf