Professor Ravi Sandhu

Spring 2004, Wednesday 4:30pm - 7:10pm, Innovation 206

Important Notice:

  • 4/10/04: Take-home examination 3 has been posted here.  Due in class 4/21/04.
  • 3/26/04: Several important announcements
    1. Adjustment of schedule: Exam 3 will be in the week of April 14th, there will be a lecture on April 7th
    2. Assignment 3 has been posted here and will be due in class on April 21st
    3. Assignment 4 has been cancelled
  • 3/8/04: Take-home examination 2 has been posted here.  Due in class 3/17/04.
  • 2/21/04: Assignment 2 has been posted here.  Due in class 3/17/04.
  • 2/6/04: Take-home examination 1 has been posted here.  Due in class on 2/18/04.
  • The Spring 04 offering will be similar, but not identical, to the Fall 03 offering.  We will not be using any textbook
  • Prerequisites: Students must have COMPLETED INFS 762 and INFS 766.

Course Prerequisites:    

  • Must have completed INFS 762 and INFS 766. Concurrent enrollment in INFS 762 or INFS 766 is not sufficient.
  • Must be familiar with discrete mathematics and formal notation (such as INFS 501).
  • Must be internet, web, pdf (get Acrobat Reader here) and postscript (get GSview here) capable.
  • Must know how to access ACM, IEEE and any other digital libraries available to the GMU community. On-campus and off-campus access to these libraries is available to all GMU students. Links are conveniently available at University Libraries -- Database Wizard
  • No assistance beyond the web links above will be provided on these basic Internet capabilities.
  • There are NO exceptions to these prerequisites. SORRY!

Schedule of Classes:

Grading Policy:

  • Grades will be based on homework assignments and take-home examinations.  

Textbook and Readings:    

  • There is no textbook.  The course extensively uses papers from the literature.


Archives: INFS 767 Fall 2003 | INFS 767 Fall 2002 | INFS 767 Fall 2001 | INFS 767 Fall 2000 | INFS 767 Fall 1999