INFS 766, NG Spring 2004, Assignment 1

Ravi Sandhu

Due 5/11/04 in Class


This is an individual assignment.  You are required to solve it on your own using whatever material you like.  Please sign and submit the following honor code statement with your solution:


I have not taken any help on this assignment from anyone and not provided any help to anyone.  The solution has been entirely worked out by me and represents my individual effort.


Please submit a typed solution with the signed honor code statement.  Your solution should be presented as a technical paper and should read smoothly and with continuity.  Any additional references used should be accurately cited.  Keep a copy for your records and reference.  Any clarification questions regarding the assignment should be emailed to  Clarifications will be posted on this page as needed.


Answer both questions.  For both questions provide a word count.  Figures and Tables are exempted from the word count.  Both questions have equal weight.


1.      Write a 500 word critical review of the article


  • IP traceback: a new denial-of-service deterrent?
    H. Aljifri

    IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine, Volume: 1, Issue: 3,  May-June 2003, pages: 24- 31


2.      Write a 500 word critical review of the article 


  • Regulation and information security - Can Y2K lessons help us?
    J.E. Payne
    IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine, Volume: 2, Issue: 2,  March-April 2004, pages: 58-61