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Essential background readings if you would like to collaborate or join my team:
Note: These papers cover concepts and technical details pertinent to
research projects currently in progress amongst my research teams.
The content will vary over time. This is NOT a list of all my
significant or important papers. The papers are listed in reverse
chronological order and can be read largely independent of each other.
The PEI Framework
- Ravi Sandhu, The PEI Framework for Application-Centric Security.
In Proc. 5th IEEE International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing (CollaborateCom), Crystal City, Virginia, November 11-14, 2009, pages 1-5.
Presentation(ppt) (pdf)
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- Ravi Sandhu, Engineering
Authority and Trust in Cyberspace: The OM-AM and RBAC Way, ACM RBAC 2000.
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OM-AM was the first version of PEI and is essentially very similar. Just a little difference in terminology.
Access Control Principles
- Ravi Sandhu and Venkata Bhamidipati, The ASCAA Principles for
Next-Generation Role-Based Access Control . Proc. 3rd
International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security
(ARES), Barcelona, Spain, March 4-7, 2008, pages xxvii-xxxii.
Keynote Lecture
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The UCON Model
- Jaehong Park and Ravi Sandhu, The UCON_ABC Usage Control Model, ACM Transactions on Information and System Security, Volume 7, Number 1, February 2004, pages 128-174.
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A Series of Models: Pre-Framework
- Roshan Thomas and Ravi Sandhu, Towards a Multi-dimensional Characterization of Dissemination Control, POLICY, 2004.
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A Series of Models: Framework
- Ezedin Barka and Ravi Sandhu, Framework
for Role-Based Delegation Models, ACSAC 2000.
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A Series of Models: Family
- Ravi Sandhu, Edward Coyne, Hal Feinstein and Charles Youman, Role-Based
Access Control Models,
IEEE Computer, Volume 29, Number 2, February 1996.
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A Series of Models: Single Model
- Ravi Sandhu, Lattice-Based Access Control Models,
IEEE Computer, Volume 26, Number 11 (Cover Article), November 1993.
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General takeaways: Single model with some variations with respect to
star-property. Single overriding objective of one-way information
flow in a lattice. Importance of user-subject distinction. One-way
information flow can support (i) confidentiality (ii) integrity (iii)
separation of duty.
Specific takeaways: no difference between (i) Biba (ii) Bell-LaPadula
(iii) their combination, Chinese wall cast as a lattice, not much
difference between lattice and partial order.
Basic Tutorial on Access Control
- R. Sandhu and P. Samarati,
Control: Principles and Practice, IEEE Communications, 32(9): 40-48,
Sept. 1994,
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Basic tutorial on access control. As valid today as in 1994.